E-Mail Marketing

E-Mail Marketing
Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations. Email marketing strategies commonly seek to achieve one or more of three primary objectives: build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness
Transactional emails
Transactional emails are automated messages sent to individuals in response to specific actions or events. These emails are often triggered by user interactions with a website or app, and they serve to provide important information that is relevant to the transaction or event. Unlike marketing emails, which aim to promote products or services, transactional emails focus on delivering essential, time-sensitive information to the recipient.
Direct emails
Direct emails are emails sent explicitly to individuals or a targeted group, typically for marketing or communication purposes. Unlike transactional emails, which are triggered by specific user actions, direct emails are initiated by the sender with the goal of driving engagement, promoting products, or sharing important announcements.
Opt-in email advertising
Opt-in email advertising is a form of email marketing where recipients explicitly agree (or "opt in") to receive promotional messages, newsletters, or other communications from a business or organization. This approach ensures that the emails are sent only to those who have shown interest, making it a more ethical and effective way to build a customer base while adhering to privacy regulations.